Author: admin

  • Floating Solar Photovoltaics with Single Array Configuration for Nearshore Technology

    Pulau Gili Ketapang Pulau Gili Ketapang terdapat di Kecamatan Sumberasih, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Provinsi Jawa Timur Dengan Koordinat berdasarkan pembacaan Global Positioning System (GPS) berbasis sistem UTM WGS84 dengan Waktu Indonesia Barat yaitu: Lintang : 113o 15’26.9”Bujur : 7o 41’ 0.8” Pulau Gili Ketapang termasuk pulau kecil yang dikelilingi oleh lautan dan mempunyai luas lahan daratan…

  • FPV Pilot Project Assembly at Orela Shipyard

    After going through a series of discussions and careful planning, the time came to realize the brilliant idea – assembling an FPV pilot project. This crucial moment marked the culmination of the team’s extraordinary dedication and hard work. Taking place at Orela Shipyard, Gresik, the assembly of the FPV pilot project became a symbol of…

  • Discussion on Installation of FPV Components

    As we embark on the intricate journey of developing the FPV system and navigating the challenges of material procurement, the collaboration between the KSE ITS PV team and the technical assembly team from Orela Shipyard emerges as a cornerstone. Aligned in their commitment to designing an optimal FPV system, both teams have engaged in immersive…

  • Sensor Calibration

    Sensor calibration is done so that the data acquisition system can get more accurate data. Calibration procedures are carried out by the team at Laboratory of Energy and Thermal Environmental Engineering, Department of Engineering Physics, ITS in October-November 2023. The calibration procedure includes sensor reading test for accuracy, precision, hysteresis, etc. Sensors that have high…

  • Survey at Hoat Surbay Village, Dullah Utara Village, and Tual Village

    From May 29th to June 3rd, 2023, an extensive survey was undertaken in Hoat Surbay Village, Dullah Utara Village, and Tual Village, marking a concerted effort to delve into the socio-economic and environmental landscapes of these communities. Situated within close proximity to each other, these villages share a common regional context in Tual Regency, providing…

  • Survey at Kalenan and Ngorafruan Village

    A comprehensive survey was undertaken in Kalenan and Ngorafruan villages, located in the District of Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar, South Moluccas. The survey, conducted from April 5th to 10th, 2023, aimed to gather vital data and insights into the socio-economic and environmental dynamics of these communities. Notably, the survey in Ngorafruan village was conducted concurrently with…

  • Fishing At The Sea With Local Fishing Group

    On November 15th, 2023, the research team of Pattimura University facilitated an enriching experience for local fishing groups, organizing a collaborative fishing expedition at sea. Set against the backdrop of Ambon’s pristine waters, this initiative aimed to foster community engagement while advancing research efforts in marine conservation and sustainable fishing practices. Led by expert researchers…

  • International Workshop In Pattimura University

    The Workshop Committee of Pattimura University organized a transformative event on November 13th and 14th, 2023, in Ambon, focusing on The Utilization of Free Solar Energy in Marine Sectors. Drawing experts, researchers, and industry professionals, attendees explored innovative strategies for leveraging solar power in maritime environments. Discussions delved into applications such as Floating Photovoltaic (FPV)…

  • Visit to Gili Ketapang Island

    As future planned installation site, an insight about socioeconomics of its inhabitant of Gili Ketapang Island becomes an important factor in further decision to maximize the program impact. Gili Ketapang Island is a small island located near Madura, East Java and surrounded by waters where most of the population’s livelihood is fishing. Community needs and…

  • Visit to Orela Shipyard

    To find out more about the FPV pilot project’s installation location, the team together with Dr. Luofeng Huang visited Orela Shipyard docking facility at Ujungpangkah, Gresik on 8 November 2023. The main agenda is to observe the planned site for FPV installation. Therefore, the visiting team can discuss and further recommend exact placement, mooring and…