As future planned installation site, an insight about socioeconomics of its inhabitant of Gili Ketapang Island becomes an important factor in further decision to maximize the program impact. Gili Ketapang Island is a small island located near Madura, East Java and surrounded by waters where most of the population’s livelihood is fishing. Community needs and problems are the main factors in determining the location and size of FPV installation. The visiting team arrived on 9 November 2023, discussing with local government to understand what the community needs and problems that can be solved through this program. The team also visits local power plants and water providers that provide the need of locals. Those basic needs were important to be fulfilled by the future FPV solar farm on the island, besides the private use for housing by the community. With this FPV program, it is hoped that it can help meet the needs of local communities in their daily lives and improve the welfare of the community.
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